Private Lessons & Birthday Parties

Private Lessons
We offer private lessons for 1-10 players. Schedule a training session for $150/hour for up to 3 players and $50/hr/per player for 4-10 players.
Registration and participation for private lessons are by invitation only.
*Price adjustments made on 11/18/22.
Birthday Parties
Birthday parties are a blast with Coach Ken Soccer! Coaches will organize fun soccer games and soccer matches for 1 hour.  The birthday player receives a uniform as a gift. Coaches can host for all levels and all ages!
Up to 11 players – $200 (1 Coach/1 Field)
12-20 players – $300 (2 Coaches/2 Fields)
21-30 players – $400 (3 Coaches/3 Fields)

*Price adjustments were made on 11/18/22. Please include the date, time, location, and participant headcount.

Register for Spring Break Camps!CLICK HERE
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